Sunday, 31 August 2014

Say Hello to 3G Technology

History OF 3G Technology:

First of all, we discuss about the history of 3G Internet, G stands for Generations. Finland is the first country who invent 1G (Technologists refers it to as the First Generation in field of Wireless Telephone Technology) technology in 1970’s to facilitate the people in the country, its main purposed was used internet at everywhere in the country. 1G speed was varies between 28kb to 56kb’s. Then this techlogy was converted to 2G technology (Second Generation). The main difference between 1G and 2G is that 1G used Analog, while 2g used digital technology.
After this invention, Taiwan has started a company to prepare Micro Chips. According to latest information, now 3000 companies are working to prepare the Micro Chips. We can say about Taiwan, it’s a great industrialized country.
3G technology, which was invent in the U.S in 2003, with a minimum speed of 144kbps.
In April 2014, when Mobilink, Ufone, Telenor and Zong was purchased a 3G mobile internet, in which Zong has only one company in Pakistan who has also purchased a 4G mobile internet. After this, different questions have been started at homes, offices, universities even every people’s gathering, is this technology for richest persons? What are the packages for middle and lower class peoples?
3 out of 10 persons are using 3G mobile internet techlogy. 2 out of 10 persons are leaving from different internet connection because they says Wi-Fi is only used at home or offices but 3G Technology is used at everywhere (on those areas where 3G technology is available) in the country.
A Competition has been started in different companies; make it possible to facilitate the people to use this technology at lowest rates. Warid Telecom company, who don’t have purchased any this kind of techlogy, feels that Warid consumers has been starting Porting from Warid to other network, just for used the 3G technology. Now, in listening words from Media, Warid Telecom has a plan to introduce 3G technology for their customers in the end of this year. 

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